Imaginable by J. Meyers
Author: J. Meyers Website|Twitter
Published: 16 April 2013
Format: Kindle e-book
Pages: 342
Amazon: Kindle
Source: Received free copy from author for review
Plot Summary (from Goodreads):
Twins Sera and Luke Raine’s unusual abilities are growing. Sera is healing vampires now, making them human again. And, at times, Luke can actually change the future he Sees.
But Sera’s healing has dangerous consequences, and though Luke is altering the outcome of more visions, he can’t control them yet.
Now Sera is in danger as the dark creatures of the Realm seek to use her. As Luke struggles to master his gift in order to save his sister, he discovers even more about his powers.
And what he learns just may put him in greater danger than Sera has ever been.
My Review:
I was so excited to read this book because I adored the first book, Intangible. I was very privileged to receive a copy of Imaginable from the author to review and so I started it as soon as it was loaded on my Kindle! The book picks up with Sera's healing powers causing real problems for the Gifteds, and Luke isn't having it so easy either.
The book opens with a scene in the coffee shop and made me fall right back in love with this world and, more importantly, the characters. Straight away there was humour from the group of characters who have the most amazing chemistry between them, and I love it when I start a book and I'm laughing within the first few pages. Most of that was down to Luke. I love Luke. I'll probably state that a lot in this review!
The plot revolves around Sera's ability to "heal" vampires, only this has been causing more harm than good. I love Sera and how we get to see than vulnerable side of her. She clearly wants to do as much as she can to help other people and that really endears me to her as a character. The fact she has such valuable powers makes her a target for other creatures who want to exploit that power, which puts her life in danger for a large part of the book. I really felt that danger and the suspense created throughout the book had me flipping the pages just to find out what happened to those characters I was so attached too.
Like I mentioned before, Luke is my favourite character and he also had a lot going on in his life. He's having to deal with his feelings for Fey who he knows he can't really have. He was so sweet pining for her. I was really rooting for him! On top of that, he's struggling with his visions, not always being able to conjure them and his fight to gain control of his powers showed just how determined he was. But my favourite part was his realtionship with Sera, which was one of my highlights of the first book. They just have such a great connection and as Sera was in danger I really loved how Luke wanted to do everything he could to make sure she was okay.
Still on the topic of characters, I really loved the mysterious Jonas and the Light Elf Fey and the roles they played in the story. Both of them are protective of the twins and so it made for some great kickass scenes as both of them showed what they could do when it came to looking out for the others. I also loved discovering more about those characters as bits of their past were introduced into the story.
I was really excited to explore more of the world that was established in Intangible and I wasn't disappointed. I loved seeing more of the Realm as well as the creatures that reside there, from the flower pixies to the dark and creepy Shadows. The descriptions of everything really carried me away as I escaped into the story and that world. As the book reached its climax it delved into fantasy as well with more magical creatures appearing, and I really enjoyed that element of it. The two worlds are weaved so seamlessly together that you don't really focus on what genre the book is, because it flows so well from the real to the magical.
I absolutely devoured this book from the moment I picked it up. I just couldn't put it down! From the middle of the book onwards there was so much action to keep my attention. Whilst it managed to keep that pace and action up and build on the world introduced in Intangible, it also wet my appetite for more as a middle-of-a-series book should. There were things that were just touched upon, with some stuff just bubbling away under the surface that I can't wait to read more about! And the ending definitely left me eager to carry on. There's huge potential for this series. If you loved Intangible then you'll adore this. A fantastic sequel!
Rating: 5*
What to read next: Intuition or Indomitable by J. Meyers, two short stories to accompany the series
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