
Tuesday 17 September 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Books on my Autumn TBR

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Today's top ten is books on out autumn TBR (to be read) lists. It was hard narrowing this down because my TBR is crazy out of control right now but here are the highlights!

Requiem by Lauren Oliver
I still haven't finished this trilogy and I've been SO nervous about it. I adored Delirium and Pandemonium and I've heard that the ending of Requiem is a bit controversial. The paperback comes out this month so I'll finally get my hands on it.

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas
I've been hearing amazing things about this series and the sequel just came out, so I need to catch up!

Angelfall by Susan Ee
Another book that's had an amazing reception. The sequel comes out here in November so I need to hurry up.

Geek Girl: Model Misfit by Holly Smale
I just finished the first book and adored it with a passion! The sequel comes out this month.

Rose Under Fire by Elizabeth Wein
Code Name Verity was one of my favourite books of the year so far. I'd put a library hold on this one before I'd even finished CNV! I can't wait to read it, although after the heart shattering that went on in CNV I am fearing for my emotions.

The Gallagher Girls series by Ally Carter
I've just got book three from the library so  that book is pretty high up, but the sixth and final book just came out so I'm going to try and blitz through them all this autumn!

More Than This by Patrick Ness
I loved the Chaos Walking trilogy and A Monster Calls so I am dying to read Ness' latest release! I managed to blag a signed copy at my local bookshop this week.

Soulmates by Holly Bourne
I've been hearing buzz about this one for months and months, plus it's UKYA! I bought a copy recently so I'll definitely be reading it soon.

Every Day by David Levithan
Again, I've heard this book is incredible and its just come out in the UK so I bought myself a copy.

Black Beauty by Anna Sewel
Because I am so ridiculously far behind on my children's classics challenge that I need to throw at least one  into this list!


  1. Ooh. More Than This, Soulmates, Everyday and Model Misfit are all on my (mental) list as well. Glad to see someone else who hasn't read Requiem yet either. Loved the previous two books but I'm NERVOUS to read this one, so I've put it off for ages!

    Good luck getting around to all of these books :)

    1. Oh I'm glad it's not just me that hasn't read it yet! I've loved all of Lauren Oliver's books that I've read so fingers crossed that bodes well, but I've been left a bit disappointed by a few series/trilogies I've read recently. Keeping my fingers crossed! I hope you get to read More Than This, Soulmates and Model Misfit too :D Thank you! I'll need the luck because I was SO bad at sticking to my summer TBR >< eep. Thank you for the lovely comment <3

  2. I've read the first 2 on your list, they were both good. I was slightly disappointed with the ending of Requiem but that definitely doesn't mean I didn't still love it. My daughter has read Black Beauty around 5 times, its one of her favorites.
    Happy Tuesday Sarah
    Here's my TTT

    1. Glad you liked them! I know what you mean. I still loved Clockwork Princess even though parts of it left me disappointed. I'm sure I remember owning a copy of Black Beauty as a child but I have no idea whether I read it or not. Either way I don't remember the story so I'm looking forward to discovering it!

      Thank you for the lovely comment as always Monique! :D have a great week :)

  3. I really need to read Angelfall. I don't think I have seen a bad review on it yet. I read my first Levithan book (Two Boys Kissing) and I own Every Day, though I haven't read it yet, hopefully I will be soon. Great list! My TTT.

    Vyki @ On The Shelf

    1. Same! And that makes me so curious. It sounds like my kind of book so I'm hoping it'll live up to the hype :D I've only read Will Grayson, Will Grayson before and I enjoyed David Levithan's parts of that book the most, so I'm hoping that's a good sign. I've heard great things about all of his books so I'm excited to check this one out! Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

  4. Good list, I also want to read Thorne of Glass and I love The Gallagher Girls series as well.

  5. I need to catch up with Gallagher Girls too! I'm really looking forward to Soulmates as it looks awesome :D Id definitely recommend Model Misfit and Every Day!
